The interested authors are advised to use the following format for submission of research paper/ note. The paper could either be submitted via a hard copy or soft copy. If a hard copy is being submitted, then the paper should be send in duplicate. In both cases the authors have to submit a plagiarism certificate along with
Format of Letter for Sending Research Article/Research Note for Publication
From _________________________
To Date: ………………………..
Chief Editor,
Bharatiya Shiksha Shodh Patrika
Saraswati Kunj, Nirala Nagar,
Lucknow-226020 (U.P.)
Email: [email protected]
Subject: Submission of Research Article/Research Note for Publication in Research Journal.
I am/We are sending a research article/research note for publication in your Research Journal. Necessary details are as under
- Title of the research article/research note
- Name Designation Mailing Address Ph./Mob. No. E-mail ID
- Manuscript of the research article/research note has been prepared according to the Information for Contributors published in the latest issue of the Journal. If any clarification is desired the contributor(s) may be consulted. Contributor(s) will always be ready for this.
- This research article/research note is the result of my/our own research work. Views, conclusions etc. expressed in this are my/our own. They do not express the policies of Vidya Bharti or Research Institute of Bharatiya Education. If the copyright rules are violated by any of our published matter, then we ourselves would be responsible for it. Publisher or Editorial Board will not be responsible for this in any way.
- This research article/research note has not been published not it has been sent for publication anywhere else.
- Along with this letter a typed copy of research article/research note along with a summary in other language (in case of research article); its CD; photocopy of tools used in research article; have been enclosed.
- A copy of this research article/research note has been retained by me/us. Hope this research article/research note will be accepted by you for publication in the Research Journal.
- Please submit Rs. 1000/- along with your paper. It’s the submission fee and is non-refundable. No action will be taken on your paper till this fee is received. You are also required to submit Plagiarism Certificate along with your research paper.
- Within a week I shall send money Rs. 2000 (Article) after receiving intimation of acceptance of my research paper.
Yours Sincerely,
(Name and signature of communicating author)