Peer Review and Publication Policy
The Journal Bharatiya Shiksha Shodh Patrika adheres to peer-review integrity and perpetuation of the high academic and research standard. Once the paper is received by Editorial Board it is sent to members of the review committee. The committee decides whether the Article/Research Paper/ Research Note/ Book review is fit for publication, requires revision or liable to be rejected. The rejected article, research papers etc. shall not be entertained for publication in the journal.
Ethical and Copyright Policy
Views/conclusions/interpretations etc. expressed in the articles by the authors/contributors, are their own. They do not reflect the opinions/ policies of Vidya Bharti or Bharatiya Shiksha Shodh Sanasthan. Paper/Article submitted for publication should be unpublished and original and as per ethical/legal policy. There should be no plagiarism as per the rules and regulations of UGC/MHRD/ Regulatory Bodies.
The copyright of the articles published in the journal is with Bharatiya Shiksha Shodh Sansthan. Therefore, no part of this publication can be used or stored in any way without the written permission of the Chairperson of Bharatiya Shiksha Shodh Sansthan. However, the Journal has full right to share the papers with any indexing agency/ academic platform so that it may be available for the researchers in the interest of research and academics. If the copyright rules are violated, then the contributor herself/himself will be responsible. Publisher or Editorial Board will not be responsible, in any way, for this.